Dhanvantari Yatra Project Seva Bharati Meghalaya

Dhanvantari Yatra Project Seva Bharati Meghalaya

Dhanvantari Yatra Project Seva Bharati Meghalaya

Seva Bharati’s  Dhanvantari Seva Yatra is a mega health campaigning programme in entire North eastern

states of India which is jointly organized by Seva Organization ( NMO ) since 2005.

With fond remembrance of the ancient sage Dhanvantari, the founder of Ayurveda and the preceptor of health, happiness and tranquility, the Seva Yatra was named as Dhanvantari Seva Yatra which aimed to provide health services with free distribution of medicines , creating health awareness, hygiene and health education amongst the various backward societies of north eastern states by the voluntary doctors and paramedical workers from all over the country.

Doctors from all over the country and abroad specialized in different streams of medical sciences and super specialization as well as faculty members of various medical and dental colleges and students of advance medical courses took part in this novel venture voluntarily and impart their services by involving with this Seva Yatra.

Seva Bharati Meghalaya regularly organises Dhanvantarii Seva Yatra in the remote areas of the state.

Doctors from all over the country and abroad specialized in different streams of medical sciences and super specialization as well as faculty members of various medical and dental colleges and students of advance medical courses took part in this novel venture voluntarily and impart their services by involving with this Seva Yatra.